Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Walking a mile in another's shoes

Today is one of those days when I was faced with the reality that I as much as I thought I knew someone I hardly knew them at all. I always saw her as a single mother, well put together. Today I found out she is a recovering alcoholic and her husband died from an overdoes! :O I guess I have been realizing how caught up we all get in our little words. Really the only thing that matters is our health and happiness.

I am thankful that I have not had those struggles. I am saddened that she has.

I am blessed to know her story and realize this is was just part of her journey.

I know it is cliche but you really can never a person until you walk in their shoes. Maybe they are a fantastic pair of high heels today but they could have been steel toed boots a few years ago.

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tales of a 30 something female engineer
