Thursday, September 8, 2011


Otherwise known as Stand-UP Paddle. 
I just tried it a couple of weeks ago thanks to a few friends. I had a chip on my shoulder about it because SUP guys get in the way while surfing. They have this huge big scary paddle and a giant board. Needless to say I did not want to be a SUPper.. Maybe they should be shark SUPper. So my first time I paddled around a shallow area with no waves. 

The next time out, I thought about catching waves but I just started paddling to get pretty far from the beach. All of a sudden I was near boats! Another SUPper actually paddled over because he was worried I was out there alone. Frankly I thought it was awesome and it wasn't until he said something I started getting scared about being alone out there. All in all, I got some great pictures. 

  Yes, I was in Hawaii. 

 My home away from home.
 See I was by boats!

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tales of a 30 something female engineer
