Monday, June 27, 2011

Olympic Triathlon #3

Something braggy
After countless hours of training my goal was to get under 3 hours on my Olympic distance triathlon. Lucky me I had home turf advantage because the swim was in Ventura harbor, the bike was on my way to work and so was the run. Granted I never actually road the bike or ran the run course. It was a pretty sweet course though because there is no way I would have been able to run the run course with out getting in the way of traffic. It was really an beautiful course. AND I got under 3 hours! By quite a bit.. now I have expectations to live up to. I got a snazzy beer glass for placing 3rd in my age group! :)

Clock Time2:43:41
Gender Place38 / 121
Division Place3 / 6
All Place191
Swim Lap 19:36
Swim Lap 29:51

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tales of a 30 something female engineer
