Friday, March 26, 2010

Officially a College Graduate!

Well today as I am wandering around a train park in Phoenix, I get a phone call from my school number. It was the degree evaluator. He said in a few more words -"Congratulations, I just posted your degree." 
And the world did not end! 

Random tangent: It's too bad magic does not exist in this world because how cool would that phone call have been if a cake or card or something had popped out of thin air. I know my paper diploma would have been an awesome addition. But I guess that would make it more like a birthday celebration. 

If you have been reading hopefully my writing skills have not been too terrible but it is probably obvious I did not graduate with Bachelor's of Arts in English or any other language.

Friday, March 12, 2010

LAST Day of College

Well today is my last day of class in my college career.... 
As long as I don't end up failing anything. I realize it is a irrational fear of mine but it is still a fear that three weeks down the road when my degree should be complete I will get a letter in the mail saying- you have one more class to take.
I realize this fear is tiny relative to all the other fears people experience. As I look back I feel incredibly privileged to be so close to completing a college education! So many people in the world do not have my educational opportunity. 

Prior to college I did not even live in California and I now have fallen in love with California and San Luis Obispo. I have learn so much in the classroom and outside it. I have made some incredible friends and learned some powerful life lessons!

I leave you with a candid photo from my freshman year.
I can't believe it was so long ago.

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Death is part of life. However, it is still difficult to deal with when it happens to you.  I found out last Sunday someone who I cared about committed suicide. He ended his life with a single gun shoot wound to the heart. Words do not do justice to the feelings I have felt this past week. For those who have never lost someone grieving is a process.  According to some places there are several stages of grief - shock, emotional release, a preoccupation with the deceased, hostile reactions, guilt, depression, withdrawal, and resolution and readjustment. 

The only resolution I can gather thus far is that I care about each person that has come into my life. It is my hope that they would find me approachable if they are hurting. If it is not me find someone else to talk to before doing something so drastic.

Recently I heard, "Some people should be around your entire life and others should just make an appearance." I am very thankful for the appearance this guy made in my life but I continue to wish he had been part of my life for longer.

I leave you with a picture he sent me. 
Rest In Peace- A.L.

Few Facts about the author

My photo
United States
tales of a 30 something female engineer
