Sunday, March 11, 2012


Except for Japan is really cold in the first few months of the year. 

I got to go back to Japan! Lucky me. 

Last time I went to Kyoto and it was September. Saying it was hot was an understatement.

This time I went to Yokohama. It was freezing. I almost fell on black ice. 
I got to see a completely different side of land of the rising sun. It is also crazy to think that where I live now shares that same ocean. It is also the same ocean shared by Hawaii.

Ferris Wheel near my hotel in Yokohama. I liked that it told the time.
I learned how to navigate the train system. I really miss it. I wish that the United States would invest in more reliable public transportation. However, it really makes me wonder what would happen to Japan if they lost power? 
It seemed like everyone road the train from their house, to do much of anything- shop, eat, go to work, go to school. One of the things I really like is that little- kindergarteners can ride the train alone! I can never envision that happening here.

Rather than writing a huge post on Japan. I will split up my trip into the highlights. When I have time I will fill in the blanks, with food, one weekend involved a Buddhist temple, another involved Disney, Tokyo, Shibuya to name a few places. 

 One of my authentic dinners. I had to figure out how to order this in Japanese. I'm glad I didn't end up with something unrecognizable!

Japan is a really interesting country. I after staying there longer this time. I have a greater understanding of the Japanese tourist in Waikiki. I also can appreciate the differences between the USA and Japan. Japan has a rich past and rich traditions. I hope that I am able to visit again maybe I will time in for the cherry blossoms!

Few Facts about the author

My photo
United States
tales of a 30 something female engineer
