I cannot believe another year has come and gone.
This year I learned a lot about myself. I learned a lot at work. I learned how to travel. I pushed my body. I also learned how important it is to take care of myself; mentally, emotionally, and physically.
As for New Year's resolutions, last year I wanted to sleep more. I cannot say I completely failed or suceeded at that goal. It did help to have it on my mind.
I look to 2012 for opportunity to work hard both personally and professionally.
I had a crazy idea that I would try to run 365 miles, bike 365, and swim 365 miles. If I am able to complete this goal and show my progress to others. I was hoping that they would in turn make a donation to me or to a charity of their choosing in a quantity relating to 365.
I have realized work is not everything and I still want the challenge but I also want to make an impact. Hopefully, if someone reads this they might be interested in my proposition. I think I would like to check in monthly with my progress.
This will also motivate me to train for triathlons. I plan to count my race miles as part of this exercise.
One other note I would like to try to mediate daily. I think having that quiet time can be beneficial for everyone.
Here is to hoping 2012 is a great year for everyone!