Sunday, January 23, 2011

One Great Weekend

Like the title says I just wanted to share how great my weekend was. The surf was fantastic! The experts say surfing has a steep learning curve. I agree that my first few sessions didn't go spectacular and much fewer waves were caught than I wanted. 
Finally, this weekend it all started to click! I will never be a Kelly Slater but I think I will have more fun than he does. Part of my struggle may be due to the size of my board. My one requirement for my board is it fits in my compact car so that limits its length. I could bore you with details on the science of surf but I will move on. The waves were finally big enough to turn my board into a wave catching machine! 

To top it all of there was an amazing sunset tonight. I can not do the scene justice with words. But there is nothing quite like being one of about a dozen people surfing while the sun sets. The beautiful colors of the sky reflect off the glassy water. It seems like everything lights up. It is better than any Christmas morning. When I'm out there on the water, I think about nothing else but the moment I am in. I feel so incredibly lucky to have been surfing today. It's so cliche but so true sometimes the greatest beauty and escape is right in your backyard.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Resolutions.. Zzzz

First of all I hate them; if you want to make a change start any day not just on New Year's!
I would like to meet someone who has actually kept a resolution a whole year.
Perhaps I am just not ambitious enough. One thing regardless of the year is I would like to sleep more. Why? I recently got back in touch with one of my grandparents friends - he is 102 years old. He says he doesn't have any secrets but he says he has always slept a lot. If I get to see my 102 birthday because of this 'New Year's resolution' why not? 
It does makes sense. Less sleep = making my body work over time.
I have heard this fun fact- 
For every all-nighter you pull you loose a week of your life. 
So here's to 2011 I hope I sleep more than I did in 2010.
One more thing, I would like to take the time to update this blog more often.
I give bloggers props it isn't easy coming up with original non-mundane content.

Few Facts about the author

My photo
United States
tales of a 30 something female engineer
